The Joy of Sleeping

There’s a lot of things that can lead to a loss of sleep. Loud noises, an uncomfortable mattress, the fear of sleep it self or maybe you just can’t wait for the next GFJ single to be released. It can be frustrating when you struggle to find your slumber and once that frustration grows sleep is nigh on impossible. Well fear no more. In this blog I’m going to outline a 100% effective method of getting to sleep with a smile on your face. It works 100% of the time therefor its 100% effective. This means that it never fails.

For years I struggled to get to sleep.  I could be up all night thinking about our next gig or song or sketch idea. I couldn’t get to sleep, I didn’t know what to do!

I thought I was alone until I looked up #Insomnia on twitter. It seems its a global issue that needs a global solution. It was nice to know I wasn’t struggling alone. He’s my top five insomnia tweets:

  1. @RalfingOnesie I CAN NOT get to sleep tonight. Its the worst I have my first day at work tomorrow. I should not have eaten that Ferraro Rochet before bed! #Insomnia
  2. @IllBethereshortly I always thought my mum was lying when she said not to eat sweets before bed. #Insomnia
  3. @ItchInMyMind EUUGHH Can’t get to sleep again! Is there anyone out there there? I’m so cold cold, I’m frightened. #Scrubs #Insomnia
  4. @Catgotyourtongue meowing myself to sleep DOES NOT WORK! My friend said she does it but I think its really weird and my husband does not approve. #Insomnia
  5. @Coldcanofcoke I’ve had a cup of warm milk, I haven’t eaten any sweets but I still can’t sleep! All i’m thinking about is when are goldfish jones going to release their next single? #Insomnia

So the problem is clear. But what are the solutions. I started to research this as I was desperate to find my slumber. There are options out there and many professionals and bloggers quote the same things- don’t be on your laptop before bed, no tea or coffee after 8pm, don’t think about stressful things, read a book, drink a cup of warm milk, don’t drink a red bull just before bed.

These ideas aren’t necessarily bad but for me they just didn’t work and in all honesty they are restricting, sometimes you just gotta ride the bull you know what I mean?

Other people suggest drinking copious amounts of alcohol or taking drugs. This I do not recommend.

Anyway I tried all the techniques and it seemed nothing would work. That was until I stumbled upon the answer. It was so simple. No restrictions, no rules and it works every. single. time. Whilst browsing Netflix I stumbled upon I show I thought would be terrible so I put it on as a joke. I was transfixed. Its called the Joy Of painting by Bob Ross and its a game changer. By far the most relaxing thing you’ll ever watch.

So here’s a simple step by step guide for how to get to sleep with a smile on your face every time 100% of the time.

  1. Get into PJ’s or boxers if its warm.
  2. Brush your teeth.
  3. Get into bed.
  4. Plug your ear phones into your phone.
  5. Look up the next Bob Ross episode on YouTube- there’s about 300 of them.
  6. Close your eyes and listen.
  7.  Wake up the next morning fully refreshed.

So why not give it a go? Let us know if it works for you!




  1. Beth Berger · February 27, 2017

    I have a dear friend who swears by this method. And now there are episodes of Bob Ross streaming on Netflix! Insomniacs rejoice! 🙂


  2. Allison · February 27, 2017

    I’ve been watching Bob Ross to help me fall asleep since the episodes were released on Netflix! Works like a charm
    Allison from


  3. colenemeth31 · February 27, 2017

    LOL Bob Ross! My husband likes watching his shows. His voice is pretty soothing ha ha! I find whenever I go through my bedtime routine of putting on pjs, brushing my teeth and washing my face, and reading for a little bit in bed, I always fall asleep quickly and have a really good, deep sleep 🙂


  4. Sherry · February 27, 2017

    Ha! I’ve tried many things but I have NOT tried Bob Ross. I’m going to give it a shot next time. I don’t usually have trouble falling asleep but if my bladder wakes me up in the middle of the night, that’s when I start having trouble getting BACK to sleep. Maybe some “happy little trees” will help!


  5. Sandra Tsai · February 28, 2017

    Haha!! What I good idea… I sometimes have phases where I have a hard time falling asleep for no reason. Gotta try this next time! 🙂


  6. alpluslex · February 28, 2017

    i always need more sleep than what i get.. oh such is the life right?!


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